Thursday, 24 September 2015

Videos that may assist in reaching ideal self(includes subliminal programming meditation videos, sound frequencies, sound frequencies of certain planets, and vedic mantras)

I have had quite a journey during my teenage years. Most of the time I felt hopeless for not fitting into the ideals of society. Then I felt guilty for being ungrateful. But my curiosity is something I never felt ungrateful for. When I was sixteen, I needed proper study methods that would allow me to ace my exam. Then I came upon sound frequencies and the effects it can have on a person's mind, body and spirit. It aided me for that time being. I've been fascinated by the all the other things I could find on youtube. Subliminal programming is an interesting concept. I have downloaded a free software that aid me to attract whatever I want into my experience and achieve my goals. It isn't a magic wand and much of what you will attract will have elements of your shadow or your repressed self so careful what you wish for! Subliminals work to an extent but action comes a long way so motivate yourself to achieve your goals. But they will take you steps ahead into manifesting all that you want. Then I came along a guy who I met at a meetup group who believed in the higher vibrational frequency of ancient vedic languages specifically the language along with the sound used by vedic mantras. I thought why not look it up on youtube and try some myself. I had a positive experience with a mantra. It aided me when accomplishing a task I was hoping to get money out of. So who knows? Might work for you too. Can't guarantee a hundred percent that any of these work. I haven't tried all of the videos down here. But I want this to be a resource for anyone that feels hopeless and strained and wants to reach the ideal version of themselves. If achieved to a certain degree or level, please do leave a comment. It would be wonderful to hear all of your stories.

Super Metabolism and Cellulite Reduction

Lighten your eyes

Stomach Shrinking

Hair loss Treatment

Face-lift and Facial Toning technique

Sound Frequencies relating to the Planets

I also know that the planets have frequencies of their own that correlate to certain aspects. Meditating upon them could be helpful.

Frequency of Jupiter that correlates to Luck and Success

The Frequency of Venus-Love and Beauty and the Sacral Chakra

Frequency of Mercury-Throat Chakra, Communication, Being a Good author

Frequency of Saturn-Stability, Work, Discipline, Root Chakra

The Frequency of Mars-Will, Power, Competitive

The Frequency of The Moon-Love, Femininity, Creativity, Emotional Healing

Subliminal Programming

Subliminal Programming for Focus

Subliminal Programming For Good Luck

Subliminal Programming for Million Mindset

Cellular Light Healing Subliminal Program

Higher Self Esteem Subliminal Programming

Money Magnetizer Subliminal Programming

Cure Depression Subliminal Programming

Supernatural Beauty Subliminal Meditation

The Love Attractor Subliminal Meditation

Subliminal Text Software Free Download-

Subliminal Images Software Free Download-

Hindu Mantras For Different Purposes

Mantra for Money

Another Mantra for Money

Mantra for Good Looks

Mantra for Luck

Mantra for Health and Longevity

Mantra for Career and Success

Marriage and Love Mantra

Mantra for the lottery 

Mantra for Beauty, Brain, Emotion and Imagination

Mantra for Weight-loss

Monday, 21 September 2015

The Magical Program and How it works (Alchemy continued)

The Magical program is basically a defined, well-understood complex version of the law of attraction. It is not measured by whether the commend works or not. It is measured by the degree at which the ritual works.

Magicians for the most part understand the laws of the universe and the forces that affect our world. Astrology, an art developed by the Babylonians over thousands of years (at least western astrology)
is a great participant in this game. Magicians, black and white alike know that planets are associated with different objects, events, aspects, and traits. 

Unlike the Law of Attraction which only deals with thoughts, intentions, emotions and energies, the magic sometimes involves invoking and evoking spirits as well. 
Magicians are often referred to as either a "white magician" or a "black magician." But what does it mean to be either one? Black Magicians are usually satanists and during a ritual they refer to the spirit evoked as Gods whereas white magicians speak to these entities as slaves. Black magicians accept Satan as their Lord. 

Since magicians are aware of the multiplicity of spirits' nature, they often refer to these entities as more than one name. They can equate different gods and goddesses from different mythology and they know the singular root story; God fighting with his "evil" brother or dual forces at war with each other. 

A Vital part of magic is the hidden properties in all things. They are the Spirit, Air, Water, and
Earth. They are also the planets; the sun, moon, venus, mercury, saturn, jupiter and mars. 

These properties have correspondences in personality, body parts, odors, points on a campus, angels and colors. For example, the Element Fire is associated with the color red, south, energy, the Djinn, and copper. 

When partaking in ritual magic, the magicians starts with cleansing the ritual space. The fragrance of the ritual space usually correlate with the energy they are trying to bring forward. Then the magicians draw symbols into the air like banishing pentagrams and hexagrams and slowly imagine everything to disappear. 

There are two types of actions done in a ritual. A magician engages in invoking when a magician wishes to invoke a spirit or energy or partakes in the action of banishing when he wishes to dispell a certain type of energy. Invoking usually involves names being vibrated while drawing symbols into the air. 

There are usually five types of tools used in a ritual. They include the wand, the sword/dagger, the cup/goblet, the scrying mirror and the pentacle. 

The wand is used to draw invoking symbols into the air. This tool is associated to fire or the spark of the light, will, desire, archangel micheal, the animal lion, the color red, the direction South, the animal lion and a male's ability to start life. 

The sword  is used to draw banishing symbols onto the air. It is associated with the element air, the direction east, and the angel Rapheal. 

The Calise/Cup/Goblet represents water, the feminine quality of the womb, and its ability to bear life, life force, the color blue, dreams, emotions, psychic abilities, the direction west and the angel Gabriel. 

The scrying mirror is used as a medium to communicate with spirits and astral travel. It is a piece of glass that is painted black. It is associated with the moon. 

The pentacle is a wooden or clay disk with a pentagram drawn on it. It represent the earth, the direction north, the color green and brown, and arch angel Uriel.This is also called a talisman that is usually infused with a spirit or a type of energy in order to do a particular task to altar the physical world. For example if you want to become a better author, you infuse your talisman with the energy of Mercury. Then you consecrate and declare your intent. This should be done on a day and hour related to Mercury. 

Signs of a successful evocation are a sudden wind, odor, noises and voices. Evocations are usually dangerous for the inexperienced as some spirits or demons appear in a hideous appearance, with a nasty smell and a horrific voice. 

When evoking a spirit, a sigill; the symbol of the spirit is drawn on an talisman. The sigill is formed from a
magic square of a grid of numbers called a kimia. To use a kimia one would convert each letter to a number and draw lines connecting the numbers as per the sequence of the name. Then the talisman is painted in the color and in the material corresponding to the planet of the grid.

Then the spirit is evoked inside a magical triangle that confines the spirit. There must be a scrying mirror or steam or smoke in order to see the spirit visually. The spirit must be commended to reveal itself in a manner that is not hideous and speak in a soothing voice in your native tongue. An object bearing that spirit's sigil is placed on the triangle and this object is subjected to injury to force the obedience of the spirit. 

Then there is Theurgic magic. Theurgic magic is the transformation of the self by knowledge and conversation with one's guardian angels. This requires a series of rituals known as "The Great Work." It is the highest achievement of white and black magicians. Alchemy describes this sort of spiritual development. The individual steps are called initiation and one could undergo the journey without the help of a Free-masonic lodge or groups derived from the Order of the Golden Dawn although it will take longer. This great work is to rid one's self the gap between the lower and higher self.

This is done to attain spiritual powers. People with a high vibratory rate have more power to altar their realities and gain more spiritual insight. The higher self is said to make whatever it is that you want happen whereas the lower self is stuck in the material realm and is a prisoner to their own innate nature and circumstances. Reaching the higher self means to take control of one's evolutionary nature and evolving further in a spiritual being.

Black magicians often speed up this process by using the help of Lilith and Satan but for this, they would have to sell their soul first. This combines their demonic and angelic counterparts.  

Trathaka (Candle Meditation, Sun and Moon Gazing)

 An ancient technique deriving from the ancients priests of Egypt themselves, Trathaka is staring at a glowing object consistently until you tear up and you can easily form the picture of the image before hand after you close your eyes. This is brings the mind to stillness and all other distractions dissolve away.

People used this technique to activate their pineal gland, practice meditation, and to witness the benefits that this technique will cause. This technique is said to increase self-confidence, will power and patience and to transform their innate bad qualities to good ones. 

Sun gazing is one method in which people practice trathaka. This method is noted in ancient Hindu and Jain
scriptures. The benefits are endless and one man lived off the sun's energy alone. Hira Raten Manek upon practicing this has lived off of water alone for 411 days for several years. 

We need a lot of energy for the digestion of food and for our brain/mind in order to deal with mental problems, depression and negative emotions. Sun Gazing provides this energy and you may find yourself feeling more grounded in touch with your core essence without the negative garbage that we all suffer from every now and then. 

Sungazers report to sun gaze within two hours after sun rise or before sunset when the UV index is a low 2 or below. On day one, before sunset or after sunrise, stand bare feet in bare grass and stare at the sun for ten seconds. Everyday, increase the time span by ten seconds until you do this for nine months. Walking bare feet for 45 minutes is recommended as well. 

During the first three months of doing this, you will see improvements in personality traits that you once deemed negative. You may no longer be a prisoner to your primitive, evolutionary nature or your subconscious triggers. During the first three months, the pineal gland starts getting activated and the hypothalamus or pathway to the brain from the eye gets charged. Hira Raten Manek's pineal gland is 8X11 mm as opposed  to the the greatest average of a pineal gland of a person that is over fifty is a pineal gland of 6X6 mm. 

Practicing this could also help with the ability to be guided by one's intuition. Spiritual ignorance ceases to exist and you simply know how to make decisions and decipher between facts. Your mind becomes balanced and you are have a better ability to judge. Bad qualities like anger, greed and jealousy disappears. You become a more compassionate person. You become positive and fearless. Mental depression dissolves away. Psychiatrists are observing that a lack of sunlight is one of the factors that cause depression. 

After six to nine months, your hunger levels will decrease and cravings will cease to exist. In some cases, you won't feel a need to live off of food and can stay without it like Hira Raten Manek. As a result of your pineal gland activating, you may have more spiritual insight and even gain clairvoyant abilities. 

If one doesn't necessarily have the day to themselves, they can use the night for a similar method known as
candle gazing. The benefits are similar and who wouldn't want to endure the relaxing sensations of having a candle light their bedroom.  

First light a candle and make sure it is directly in front of your eyes. Make sure the candle is placed eye-level A dark room is often preferred. Close your eyes and take five deep breaths in and out. Make sure your posture is straight and start staring at the candle flame. Keep doing this until you tear up. Once that takes place, close your eyes right away and try to picture the aftermaths of the image you just stared at. 

According to the Gheranda Samhita; one of the three classic texts of hatha yoga, this practice promotes clairvoyance. This practice has all the benefits of sun-gazing except this doesn't specifically decrease hunger levels. 

Sunday, 20 September 2015

The Occult and Mythological Archetypes

The occult is the broad term that represents the mystical aspect of all religions. It is what is hidden and usually marked by paranormal phonomena. It is the hardest sequence of organization to figure out as of yet but that doesn't stop conspirators to leave their marks every now and then. But what do they actually believe? Secret societies were not made up of simple-minded "sheeps" but were made up of individuals that tried to figure out the truth through science, history, mythology, and the known and the lesser-known ancient texts. They dug their way through all told truths and falsities as they constructed a legendary cult of their own.

The movie "The Zeidgeist" has taken everyone by storm. Some of it's content has been proved to be wrong but the main message of it is significant when understanding the occult. The occult believes in archetypes. They believe in mythological characters that are all interconnected to each other, some even being related to symbolic ideas, planets, elements, etc. Some stories are even symbolic and taken as truth as they know that civilizations and groups that had no way to contact each other tell the same story just in a slightly different format.

The Serpent

The first symbolic idea is the serpent. The serpent or snake is used to represent wisdom, shrewdness the
ability to deceive at will, and the type of knowledge no one can compare with. Even though warm-blooded animals at an average are much smarter, the serpent still made it's mark as the genius in almost every single culture. Perhaps, it is because it doesn't look as 'innocent' as let's say a bunny rabbit? It looks sly as it slithers through the grass and when it reaches you, you'll be taken by surprise as it leaves it's mark. But perhaps this reptilian creature is so famous because the ability to calculate and deceive at will was either respected or dreaded greatly in every culture/civilization and thus its popularity? Even the world's favorite figure; Jesus says "be as harmless as doves and wise as a serpent."

The serpent makes it's mark through the Mythology of the Aztecs, Greek mythology, and symbologies of the Incas and native Americans. Even the Gods and goddesses of Chinese mythology is represented by dragons and snakes. Hindus give significance to the serpent but the most famous civilization other than Genesis of course is Egyptian culture. The snake is worn by pharaohs on their forehead. But what could the reason behind the serpent-significance be?

In Genesis, it was the serpent that seduced Eve onto eating the forbidden fruit telling her that she will be as the Gods and know good and evil.

The Kundalini energy that goes up your spine through your chakras onto your ajna chakra or the pineal gland so you can have a sixth sense also forms into the shape of a snake as it rises up to your kundalini.

Even the way the Egyptians wore their eyeliners look a lot like the shape of the pineal gland itself? Is the story of Genesis symbolic of the opening of the third eye and did the Egyptians know secrets that we aren't aware of?

Their building of the pyramids seem to have put a mark in world history and the way they built it is a mystery. Even in their own writings, there are no texts stating how they built it. But secret societies, the Rosicrucians being one claim the roots of their beliefs and practices go all the way back to the the Egyptian mystery schools. So it isn't far-stretched to believe that this civilization was home to some of the greatest secrets of the universe and nature of humanity that the occult were and still are dedicated on finding out. Egypt being their primary source is nothing surprising. Even Plato, one of the greatest philosophers in history studied for 13 years in Egypt.

The Flood

Then there is the flood tale. There were giants on earth, be it nephilim, fallen angels, or something
else. God frowned upon the evil that took place in those days. Hidden knowledge that could be a cause of the evil that humans were partaking in were being exposed. So God decided to flood the world and the purest couple were given a chance to take refuge. So they took two of every animal, created transportation and eventually repopulated the earth after the flood.

The most famous of this tale lies in the bible and the book of Enoch. The Earth was populated with fallen angels or the "Sons of God" who invented a new creature known as the Nephilim after mating with the "daughters of man." God wasn't happy with the evil that took place and decided to flood the world. Admidst the evil dwellers was the pure Noah who with his wife and three children built an arch and took two of every animal and survived the flood.

But stories like this isn't only in the bible. Atlantis which as a concept has it's roots in Plato's teachings (which sprung from Egypt) was said to sink due to a flood.

In Chinese mythology, the water god Gong nearly flooded the world as he wanted to spread the horizon of his influence but was stopped by the righteous god Zurong.

In Greek mythology, of course after the opening of the Pandora's box, Zeus was enraged at the evil that mankind was doing so he plotted to destroy everything. But Prometheus came to the rescue as he warned a man named Deucalion who built a chest and survived the flood.

In Norse mythology, the flood that consumed humanity was created by the God Amer. Burgelmir and his wife survived the flood.

The Sumerians say that a man named Utnaphistum built a boat and took his wife and two of every animal after god flooded the earth. He even released a dove like Noah to check for dry land.

There is the hindu tale of Vishnu's first incarnation that was of a fish that warned a man named Manu to build an arch that would save his life in the famous flood.

Then there is Loneman, the Christ figure of a native american tribe called the Mandons. Lone man was born of a virgin girl eating corn by transforming himself to a carnal of corn which by the virgin girl ate from which led to her pregnancy. When Loneman became a young man, he went on a boat trip with twelve guides despite the bad weather. When the boat was finally endangered by a whirlpool, Lone man rose to his feet and claimed that it was he who created the water to which the whirl pool dissipated. During his travels, Lone man stopped by a piece of land of a village who he spoke to regarding an upcoming flood and advised them to build a fortress. The flood did come and only protected those that believed in him.

Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden isn't simply a tale of the bible. The Persians have a version of their own with
slightly an alteration of the spelling of the place. They call it the Garden of Heden which was said to be the first habitation of humans but the primal couple like in the bible was seduced by a serpent and "fell."

Lastly, there is the greek version featuring the Garden of Hersperides where golden apples of immortality grew which gave humans the ability to see far away. But to punish humanity, the ability was eradicated.

The Tower of Babel

This famous story of King Nimrod in Babylon wanting to build a tower that would reach the heavens but in return causing God to confuse the languages of the workers and parting their ways to populate different areas of Earth is not exclusive to the Bible.

The Aztecs of Mexico has a tale of their own. They say giants possessed the land and because of their arrogance, they wanted to build a tower that would reach the heavens. This made God angry and he sent his minions down to confound them which led to their separation.

Christ Figure

Every culture possesses a Christ figure. This figure is a magician, a civilizer, the chosen one, the sacrificed and the wanderer. Sometimes he resurrects but he never fails to leave a mark in history. Zeidgeist seemed to have claimed some uncanny parallels that all turned out to be fabricated but the point that he did put across as "food for thought" is that every culture has a Christ-like figure or figures that embody some of the traits that Jesus embodied. The Occult understand this and like many other figures have multiple names for the same being.

Vericocha, the supreme god of the Incas was a teacher, and a healer. A day after a flood, the Incas were approached by Vericocha. He cured the sick, healed the blind and taught men how to live in peace and love. He did miracles as praiseworthy as Jesus. He moved mountains and made streams of fresh water flow. As a teacher, he taught agriculture, architecture and science. He was a different race from the locals having been a man passed middle age, with blue eyes and a full grey beard. He also adressed the locals as his children. He parted from the Incs by sailing across the sea promising to return one day. He was said to be killed by jealous conspirators and his body was placed on a boat and cast away.

Osiris, the sun god of the Egyptians was a civilizer as well. He like Jesus Christ is known for
Resurrection. He abolished cannibalism and human sacrifice. He established the first legal code. Just like Jesus Christ, he left the kingdom and traveled around the world teaching other people. When he returned to Egypt, his brother Set killed him by locking him into a coffin and throwing him into the Nile River. Since, the coffin didn't drown and Set eventually found this out, he cut his brother's pieces. Isis, his wife found his body and recombined the body parts with sorcery. She failed to find the penis and substituted one with gold. He didn't live long after that but he is said to periodically reappear to humans.

As previously mentioned, the savior figure of the Mundan people; Lone man was also born of a virgin, settled turbulant waters while boarding a boat and was perfect in all his ways.

Another figure who takes on the theme of sacrifice is the God Pharoah from the people of Mali. He transformed himself to a fish and sacrificed himself for the sins of his brother. Like Osiris, he was cut into pieces and scattered.

There appears to be common themes taking place. Most of these figures were some kind of teachers whose intent was to spread knowledge and wisdom to humanity. Osiris and Jesus for example went around teaching and Vericocha spread the knowledge of the sciences among the Incas. Osiris, like Jesus was destroyed by "evil" or "the bad" but resurrected. God Pharoah died for the sins like Jesus was said to have and Lone man's beginning had all of the characteristics that Jesus had but his story emerged differently.

Occultists speak of the Christ figure as a "major setback" to the plan. They say he took a huge risk coming here as if his guarantee back to heaven is only a myth.

But what brought such similar themes to the stories of these civilizations and cultures? And is the university approach of cultural exchange really a definitive answer to such a question?

The Gods and Goddesses

The interesting thing about mythology is that the Gods and Goddesses of one mythology don't only correlate to related cultures but many Gods and Goddesses have corresponding versions of themselves admidst the same mythology.

One example is Aphrodite and Astarte which are Greek Goddesses representing beauty, love and
fertility. They are also related to other Goddesses around the world such as Venus, Innana, Ishtar, and Ashtoreth. Innanna the goddess of ancient Mesopotamia went to the underworld to visit her sister; her darker aspect Erishkigal who ended up absorbing some of her positive qualities and even her body.

This multiplicity is also depicted when we consider the most infamous figure of all time; Satan. He is equated
with the villain of every mythology by occultists and satanists. He is Set who like Satan stood by God who then proceeded to make war with Horus; the seed of Osiris. Ahriman; a persian god is another God that the occultists associate with Satan as he is wicked in his nature and is at war with his righteous brother Ahura Mazda. Hades, the Greek god of the underworld may have not been at war with Zeus. However, occultists believe that they are currently at war. Their idea of the relationship between God and Satan takes a "God and his evil brother" theme. This represents duality at it's most as Satan is the evil aspect of God.

Occultists also associate Satan with the fallen angel Azazel in the Book of Enoch. He is the leader of 200 angels who came down to the garden of Eden. In the book of Enoch, instead of the fruit being given to Eve, the fall of humanity came in the form of magical knowledge or "knowledge of good and evil" being spread. Occultists believe that the serpent tempted Eve in the form of Azazel when being possessed by Satan. 

Azazel is also equated to Lucifer and to the Greek figure Prometheus. Prometheus stole the fire from the God and gave it to humanity who later got punished by Zeus by being tied to a rock and having an eagle peck at him. He is depicted as clever and rebellious. These three are known as the "light bringer" or the "torch bearer."

And of course there is God who is represented by all mythologies and religions as the righteous brother or the benevolent being in war with evil. He is Jehovah/Yahweh/Allah to the believers of the Abrehemic faith who is associated with Zeus, Jupiter, Ahura Mazda and Osiris.

Then there is the son of god who embodied the aspects of God himself or Lucifer that could also be decorated the son of Satan as he too embodied aspects of Satan himself. Horus was also the Sun God just as Jesus also represented God in the flesh; both being a lower octave of the higher.

The multiplicity form of the deities seems to follow the Hindu concept of Avatars where multiple Gods and Goddesses reincarnate in different forms for different purposes. 

What possibly could solve this mystery remains a mystery. The perspective of the Occultists are thought-provoking at the very least. They tell you a tale of two forces are at war with each other and each manifests in the physical realm to humanity at different ages and in different forms. They would have you question what side you are on and which side actually is for the betterment of our human race.

Saturday, 29 August 2015

What is Alchemy?

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One thing to remember when we learn about this topic is that there are multiple truths to this universe and not everything should be taken literally. Alchemy wasn't only about turning metals into gold. Alchemy was a trial and error process used to study our material universe as well as other possible dimensions that we may or not be aware of in order to transcend fate. It gives rise to universal patterns and the way the universe may work. It may give you a glimpse of 'god's' mind and the deep allegorical patterns and symbologies that exist in it. But if god is non-existent in your mind, alchemy is merely a group of methods to overcome fate using the possible principles that govern our universe.
So let's delve into the history of this practice. It's origins go way back to Ancient Egypt where the very word derived from Al Khemet which means "from Egypt." Khem means black and back in those ages, Egypt was known as "Black Land." Thus, Alchemy in it's very definition translates into "Black Art."
This Practice derived from the mystery schools of Ancient Egypt and was passed on through to the Greeks as these two civilizations had been in contact for decades. Thetoth two ancient forms of magic met and merged and the God that supposedly created this discipline was called Toth in Egypt and Hermes in Egypt and is now known as Hermes Trismegistus. It was him who was the author of science, geometry, mathematics, medicine, philosophy and religion and his wife Maat who was the force that maintained the universe. As a goddess, she represents the unification of spirit and matter which is a vital part of alchemy.
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One important aspect of Alchemy is called the Tria Prima. It is the connection of spirit and matter or the veil that separates our material realm from higher realms. As the saying on the emerald tablet goes "As above, so below." The Tria Prima consists of three elements each representing the aspects of this veil.
Sulfur is the omnipresence spirit of the life representing the fluid, fluctuating astral realm. Murcury is the fluid connection between the high and low. Salt is the base matter that represents all that we see in the three dimensional material realm.
The most important aspect of alchemy is the spiritual transcending of a person. In this discipline, there are seven steps if followed, one will gain enlightenment or the 'philosopher's stone.' Each spiritual step corresponds to its chemical counterpart as chemistry stemmed from alchemy.
The first step is Calcination. Chemically this is the heating of a substance over an open flame into ashes. Spiritually, this is the destruction of the ego or everything we identify with and all the material things we are attached to. This is to ignite the fire of introspection and self evaluation. In this step, we analyze all that we are and why we are the way we are. This is to question everything especially ourselves and our preconceived ideas and our conditioned state.
The Buddhists try to reach this step by emptying themselves from all attachments of the material world and achieving a state of 'nirvana' which in it's truest form means a peaceful state of mind.
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Dissolution is the proceeding step. Chemically this is to dissolve the ashes into water. When we apply this process to ourselves, this is the breaking down the psyche and allow the surfacing of subconscious and buried material. This is opening the flood gates and allowing new energy flowing through. This is done through not only questioning everything about ourselves through 'shadow work' and 'inner-child work' and identifying our triggers. When this is done, you'll realize that not only do you understand yourself, you'll understand those around you at a deeper level. This will allow you to carry out acts of kindness without traditional biases and preconceived ideas. This is the opening up the kundalini process.
Separation is next in line on the path to spiritual enlightenment. Chemically this is the isolation of components of dissolution by filtration and discarding any unwanted parts. Psychologically, this is finding our essence and reclaiming the dream and visionary parts of previously rejected by our rational parts of our minds of our psyche. This is what we have been taught to hide. This is to review and refine our personalities and letting go of the self inflicted restraints of our true nature so we can shine through. In its simplest forms, this is to go against traditional norms and not holding back our creative expression in the truest sense. It is to not hold back what we want to do and all that we are meant to do when we were placed into this world.
The next process that takes place is Conjunction. This is the recombination of elements of saved elements into a new substance from a chemical perspective. Psychologically this is to empower our true self and to unify the feminine and masculine sides of our personalities to form a new belief system or intuitive state of being. This is when you finally get in touch with every lost aspect of your being, all your memories and who you are outside of the ego or the identity that you put forward, and being more aware of your reality on a daily basis. This is to find your purpose and empowering yourself. Success in this process is to be in a state of non-resistance. Writing a journal about daily occurrences, feelings, and thoughts help in this process. Dream journals and synchronicity journals are helpful in this part.  This is achieving the lesser stone and synchronicities start taking place. You will see your life as a pattern and daily occurrences start forming a relation to the previous occurrence and all of a sudden, everything starts making sense.
The next process is called Fermentation. This is the introduction of new life. Chemically this is the growing of a ferment bacteria. An example of this would be the fermenting of grapes into wine. As a spiritual process, this is gaining inspiration from spiritual powers from above that reanimates and enlightens the alchemist. This is gaining the 'peacock's tail,' that is the display different colours and meaningful visions. This is usually achieved through deep meditation, trans-personal therapy, deep prayer, psychedelic drugs and deep desire for mysticism. Fermentation is the living inspiration of something that is beyond us.
Distillation is the second last process. Chemically is the boiling and condensation of the fermented solution to increase it's purities. Psychologically, it  is the agitation and sublimation of psychic forces to make sure that no impurities of the inflated ego is incorporated into the next and final stage. This is to raise the content of the psyche to its highest potential. It frees someone from emotions and even their identity. It is the purification of the mind, and the 'unborn self.' This is to realize all that we truly can be. This is the raising of the life force. This is called the 'circulation of the light.' This is to have your third eye open.
Coagulation is the last and final process. Chemically, it is the precipitation of the purified ferment from distillation. It is the new confidence that is beyond all things and it is experienced as a permanent vehicle of consciousness that embodies the highest aspirations of the mind and that releases the astral body or the soul to exist in all planes of reality. This is gaining enlightenment or the 'philosopher's stone.' This is returning to the garden of Eden.
There you have it. This is the seven spiritual disciplines of alchemy. This spiritual discipline was used to transcend the normal state into having having more power over your fate and surroundings. It is to go from the materia prima; the ordinary state of being to achieving the philosophers stone or enlightenment. This is what the Rosicrucians considered alchemical marriage. This is the marriage of our soul to the divine universal force that takes place through merging our feminine and masculine aspects. This is the achievement of the higher self. This is a detailed way to not only achieve 'nirvana,' achieving a peaceful state of mind unattached to materialism but also to use our spiritual self to attain a higher state of being and an ability to control our perception of reality and altar it.
One thing to note about the art of Alchemy is that this discipline was coded in allegories. The motive of turning metal to gold is an allegory itself for turning oneself into it's highest potential possible. It is achieving the 'higher self.' It is rooted in rich symbolism such as elemental and minerals and a dose of ancient paganism. The reason behind this was to escape persecution from religious fanatics and keep this wisdom away from those deemed unworthy.
The Alchemist believes in (6) This is marked by the unification of opposites such as the unification of femininity and masculinity in the form of twin flames. It believes in the unification of the right and left hemisphere to form a balanced mind. This is when the ajna chakra or the third eye is opened. This is alchemical marriage. This process is symbolically represented by Prometheus giving the torch of light to humanity or the snake in the Garden of Eden telling Eve that her eyes will be open and she shall know what the gods know.
Now whether you take these stories literally is up to you. But alchemy in it's spiritual sense is self development and to find a connection with a universal force or all that exists. This art is an empowerment of the self and finding our own path.