Saturday, 29 August 2015

Changing Core Beliefs

Regardless of anything, most of us have negative core beliefs that we're not even slightly aware of. Every time you get anxious working in front of people, every time you think that a certain type of person has certain biases or thinks negative thoughts about you, it is an indication that you have rooted core beliefs.
Let me use my example. I used to have social anxiety and to an extent, I still do. I often act as if or feel like a piece of meat amidst starving hungry dogs that are doing whatever it possibly takes to bite me. This reaction comes from my past of being bullied, molested, and having a chaotic relationship with my Father.
My core belief is that I'm the worst of all creatures and that somehow everyone can see right through me and all my flaws are emphasized somehow for the whole world to see and comment on. That is how I act and I often have people asking me whether I'm okay. Because I don't look okay, regardless of how much I try and hide it, people sense my vulnerability in certain situations. It took a lot of studying about the shadow self to realize that I feel this way even around close friends. Somehow always waiting to be attacked by any one of them and somehow taking jokes as a personal attack. The truth of the matter was that I needed to lighten up and allow me to be myself without acting like what I am is bad.
The truth is everyone has reasons for positive core beliefs, maybe just as much as reason for a negative core belief but the reason why our negative core beliefs are the ones that are manifested into our lives is because our conscious mind filters all that we cannot cope with into our subconscious mind. And it is the subconscious mind or the shadow self that influences what we manifest to our physical plane of existence.
Now if you're 9 years old, and your parents hit you and told you that they no longer want you, you're worthless and that they want to give you up to foster care, all of those hurtful feelings will be filtered directly to the subconscious and whether or not you manifest the proof of that exact core belief into your life, this incident will manifest into social anxiety, depression, and other factors affecting your mental health. You will treat yourself as a Salem witch being hunted down to be burnt at the stake. You will feel as if one small mistake is a call for humiliation and will forever be at your defenses even if there really is no need to be.
So how do you change these core beliefs? Other than finding peace with your inner child through shadow work, you will have to purposefully build the roots of new beliefs. This is a common belief most people already have without even realizing. "I am worthless" is a belief that has been rooted deeply within us since childhood. And if you don't want me to go so far as to claim that most people have such pitiful self-esteem that deep inside they feel worthless, then I shall claim that certainly, everyone has the core belief "I am powerless."
We've all felt powerless. When we failed a math test and when we have been told that our imaginary friend isn't real are just the root to the problems. The concept our minds formed as a result was "I am powerless." Now in our adulthood, when we cannot find a job, this is just the proof of a concept we already knew of.
To change these core beliefs, isn't going to be easy. Even affirmations and subliminal programming may not aid us. So doing this exercise will be helpful. Keep a journal and in the journal, write five core beliefs that you want to have and each and everyday add proof(the pillers) to each and every new belief.
So, let's use my example My core belief is that I'm powerless. I should cross this core belief out and write down a new one such as "I am powerful."
Why am I powerful?
Let's look at the past...
I have gotten As and Bs through out my high school years.
I did a job at age fifteen and earned a good enough income, thus proving my mom's friends who thought I was incapable of holding a job wrong.
I stopped a friend from jumping off her balcony.
I had often pulled all nighters, ending up achieving an A in my assignments.
I have wrote fiction that people have begged me to finish.
Then you should look at the present...
Then you should look at today...
Did you do anything productive today?
Also keep in mind that you should do activities that line up with your core beliefs. This is especially important if you are in fact depressed and aren't ready to confront your shadow self. Line up with people that compliment you and make you 'feel good.' Keep writing in this journal. What will happen is that according to the law of attraction, you will attract situations that will keep on proving to you that this core belief is in fact truth.
Remember, you get what you expect. But before you can expect, you have to condition yourself to expect as such. You will never be a vibrational match to winning the lottery if you're in debt and you are constantly focusing on lack. But take one step at a time, and since you won't automatically believe that you're a millionaire, you'll have to condition yourself to believe that you're meant for greater things.
Let's say you want money but a core belief that you have might be "Rich people are classist," or "Money is bad," or even "You have to stab someone else in the back in order to climb the ladder of success."
You will never have an abundance of wealth. Why? Because you believe yourself to be different to all of the above, you won't be a vibrational match to money. So unless you become 'bad,' are willing to 'stab someone else in the back,' or become 'classist,' it is mandatory for you to change those core beliefs.
So it's your job to formulate something like this.
Rich people are bad...Really?
Then you have the president of Uruguay, Jose Mujica that donates ninety percent of his money to charity and lives in a farmhouse off a dirt road where him and his wife work the land themselves.
So what does that mean?
More money is equivalent to more of an ability to help people but also have personal freedom yourself. So money doesn't always have to be a bad thing.
If you believe "Money doesn't grow on trees."
Well get a job.
Then leave a fraction of the pay check to spend on something you want and another fraction, you save in a saving's account. When you feel always secure when it comes to money, that's when it will start accumulating. Also keep a ten or twenty dollar bill with you at all time even if you just want to look at it to give you the illusion of security. But at least it conditions your mind to believe that you will have money no matter what and will forever be financially secure.jlou


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