Soul retrieval, inner child work or shadow work are all practices people should participate in their lives. I decided to start off with this topic because I genuinely feel as if people go through life hating themselves and those around them. I truly seek to change this. Hatred, envy, self-doubt and competition is going to create more hatred, envy, self-doubt and competition. If you want to stop the drama, you need to burn away the triggers. We live in a material world where each and everyone of us has to work hard to be the ideal version of ourselves. We work to be the ideal that society wants us to be. But with each and every struggle, we lose a part of ourselves that we should have cherished, otherwise.
Ever wondered why he reacts insecurely when you don't message, or she feels angry when you hang with the boys for a while? The answer is childhood trauma. You may be thinking why victimize ourselves when there are starving children in Africa, or children in Syria are being killed? Well because the only way you can help anyone to a point where it doesn't come from a state of lack but a true motivation to help someone else is self-acceptance.The only way to becoming a good person is self-love. That is it. You won't become a bitter old lady if you love yourself. You'll be that nice old lady that still has a spark of attractiveness left. That kind soul of yours will project itself in your outer appearance.
How much truth is there to this concept, I don't know but since this resonates with me, I will teach it. When we are are born, we come directly from source. Therefore, we are not used to lack or any form of loneliness, abandonment or rejection. We are pure beings that start from square one. So every time, your mom ignores you, or your Dad accuses you of being greedy because he couldn't purchase something that you desired, it gives rise to complexities, triggers, and emotional trauma that you will have to deal with for the rest of your life. These emotions that you suppressed will be fixated in your subconscious mind and if any of you subscribe to Abraham Hick's teachings of the law of attraction, you will attract situations which will cause the exact same feelings. What you resist, you persist.
Let's present an example. I used to watch Gossip Girl two years ago. That show was my guilty pleasure. What intrigued me most about the show were the characters. One particular character that stood out was Blair Waldorf. And girls who watched this show can relate to my fascination towards her. What I found fascinating about her was the fact that she was so perfect and yet so imperfect all at the same time. I remember first seeing her and finding her to be absolutely gorgeous. She was popular, intelligent, hardworking, a romantic-at-heart, classy, a dedicated girlfriend saving herself to be a virgin for her boyfriend, rich, and downright gorgeous with the perfect face, perfect chestnut curls, and large doe-eyes. She also won the hearts of two men of royalty and almost every main character in Gossip Girl was absolutely crazy for her and even went as far as plotting to have her heart. Yet she was always chasing after something or the other. She always found herself being out-shined by her best friend. She always felt ways that were not in tune to reality. She acted like a bitter bitch, for lack of better words. She was envious of Sarena (let's admit it) and she always plotted to attain something or the other even if it meant hurting someone during the process.
What was she running from? She was running from the possibility of feeling insignificant. Her mother was always working, and her father cheated on her mother with a male model and eventually left the family upon discovering that he was gay. This feeling of insignificance chased her throughout her life. It manifested in the relationship with her best friend and the males in her life. Through her lenses, she was always the insignificant one, the one overshadowed. This is why she produced bulimia and as for the mans she was in love with, she had to wait to have. I will refer to this as the Blair syndrome. No matter what you attain, you never feel fulfilled. Your demons are always telling you that you aren't good enough. You can be the most successful and beautiful woman in the world, and yet you feel worthless. Life feels like a joke, doesn't it?
So what do you do to help yourself? What you do is put yourself in situations where you feel uncomfortable. If you're a socially awkward person, go ahead, put yourself in a group. Yes, it can be traumatic but this is important. After doing so, speak. Feel those emotions. Wait for the moment when you can be by yourself. If you need to excuse yourself to go to the washroom, do so. Shut yourself in a washroom stall if you have to. Breathe in and out, note down what that feeling feels like. You may feel a negative emotion pulling at your chest. You may even have thoughts of suicide at the extreme. You may think that you want to run away as fast as you can. But keep in mind that you only want to run away from yourself. Ask yourself "when was the last time I felt this way?"
Then ask yourself "When was the first time I ever felt this way?" Now you may either receive images of a particular time in your childhood, or you may get nothing at all. But what you have to do is validate those feelings. If you don't get an image, that's absolutely fine. What you do is release those feelings. Tell it, "I'm here with you right now." Cry if you have to. The point is to release the emotions that were stored. Don't think you are weak for crying. Remember, nobody has to know.
If you remember a particular time when you felt the same exact feelings as a child. Picture the scenario taking place. So let's say your mom was high on drugs and when you wanted food, she ignored you and screamed at you for wanting that particular item. What you do is picture your current older self walking right into this situation. Hug the child, let it cry. Yell at the mother if you have to. Yell at the mother for being a bad mother and then either give the child a better mother figure or take them to an amusement park. Buy them cotton candy or ice cream. Love them and cherish them. Validate their feelings. Act accordingly to however they would have wanted things. Now you can rationalize and feel sorry for the mother. But keep in mind your mother is just as a wounded being as you are, going through the struggles of life and being hurt once in a while herself. The point is to set yourself free without thinking of anyone else in your visualization.
So all of you might be thinking, what does this do? What's the use? Well if you subscribe to Abraham's teachings of law of attraction, if you've watched the secret, and if buddhist concepts like nirvana appeal to you, then this process is important. What the 'law of attraction' community believe in is that reality is a mirror projection of your thoughts. So if your subconscious mind is filled with fear, feelings of inadequacy, and pain. Guess what your reality is going to look like? And if Blair Waldorf reminds you of yourself, guess what? You're ugly even though you're gorgeous, you're stupid even though you're smart, and you're unloved, even though 10 different guys are chasing you! The higher dimensions doesn't have a time and space reality as we do. The subconscious that sends signals into the universe to create your reality doesn't know the difference between now and then. So your past demons are still there. If you do this process and you're a firm believer of the law of attraction, then the vibrational value of that memory will change forever.
As for Buddhist concepts like nirvana simply means a state of mind that is free from negative mental states, peaceful, happy, and non-reactive. The only way you can be non-reactive is if you get to the root of the trigger itself. Don't get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with desire but most of us have desire in the first place because we're running from something. So if you can get to the root of your darkest fantasies, perhaps you'll be peaceful with not attaining that desire at all.
And if you don't believe in this 'bull crap,' well it's nice to see why you're socially awkward, why you're jealous, why you're unhappy, why you hate the people that you do, right? The point is to be in touch with your darkest feelings and validating it and setting it free. If your child wants some other child's toy and she can't have it, would you be harsh to her and say "how dare you crave something that's someone else's?" You will comfort your child. So treat yourself like that child. Love this child unconditionally. Would you rather be unhappy and rich or happy and poor? Would your mother love you any more if you had that pimple on your forehead? Know why you want what you want, why you hate the person you hate, why you attract the people you attract, and why you are drawn to the people you are drawn to! Get in touch with yourself.
I will add two videos regarding this very topic. Watch it, and improve your life. My inspiration comes from Teal Swan. I will make an article about her as a spiritual teacher later on but I feel like some of her teachings are very helpful and I hope it resonates with all of you.
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