So are Abraham Hicks teachings real? Or is it all a lie in order to promote their books and create an income? Is the law of attraction real?
At the base level, everything is energy. Atoms are 90 percent empty and particles exist only when we perceive them. Einstein’s theory of relativity states that time and space are relative to the observer. So according to that theory, is it too far stretched to believe that our surroundings exist because that’s exactly what we expect to find?
Particles are small and they come in and out of existence all the time but where do they go? Other dimensions or planes of reality? Do they come into existence because we expect them to? If they do, maybe if we could somehow tune into the formula that would cause larger things to manifest into our existence, we could afford higher hopes.
But why isn’t it as easy as it seems? That’s because the moment we entered the physical world, everything spiritual has been taken out of the picture and we have been conditioned to live in this realm. We’ve been robbed off of our creative expression and freedom. We’ve been disciplined and been told on a regular basis that we are lower beings, that we must listen to those in charge, those older and those more powerful and furthermore that we have no control over our own realities. We’ve been taught that if we want any control over our realities, we must prove ourselves and that’s exactly what we fear the most.
Look around you, almost everyone has the core belief that they are worthless. If I don’t have this, I’m worthless. Reach a level higher, I still want this and if I don’t get it, I’m worthless. We are always struggling. Everyone is taught to believe this and believes it to varying levels.
Like a radio, our brains are transmitters and a receiver of frequency. Our brains emit frequencies just like a radio transmitter. When a radio emits a frequency, it passes all matters and it’s something even scientists cannot explain. This is because at a quantum physics level, frequency is the smallest known particle on earth.
Therefore, when the human brain emits frequencies, it’s picked up by other brains and other physical matter. That’s why a mother can sense when her child is in trouble or your bestfriend calls you right after you think of her. It’s telepathy at a lower degree to which we think are meaningful coincidences.
And if you don’t believe in ‘ludicrous nonsense’ like telepathy, there isn’t much I can do to convince you except for the fact that Nostradamus predicted that one day through the revolution of science, we will be able to communicate telepathically and much of his predictions already came true but that’s a topic for another time.
So, if your core beliefs are things like, “I am powerful,” “I am beautiful,” and “I am confident,” you will automatically expect these things to reflect and manifest in your reality. And people and the circumstances you attract will further make you believe that you really are all of these things.
But things are usually not so simple because almost everything we’ve been through has conditioned us to act a certain way and formed core beliefs which are often not so easy to get rid of. Our subconscious mind is what often does the manifesting and often our traumas are what conditions it to expect negativity. Every time, we go through a negative experience, our conscious mind copes with it by filtering the negative aspects into the subconscious. That’s our shadow. Our shadow is what projects onto our surroundings all the time and that’s what creates every negative experience even if our conscious thoughts aren’t particularly negative. It’s important to clear up the shadow. There are videos on youtube dedicated to this subject as well as an article within reach on this very site about the topic!
So how might this work? Just like what the wave-particle experiment demonstrates, the particle has the potential to exist as a wave and a particle at the same time. That’s how our lives work, our future exists as potentials. And according to the relativity theory, we will get what we expect. And our subconscious mind is programmed to expect what we formerly experienced since it doesn’t understand time and space. So it is ultimately stuck in every detail of the traumatic events that we have gone through.
The realm of possibilities increase as we go higher up the dimensions until the interconnectedness increases to such an amount that everything is one and all that exists is every possibility that you can ever think of. Let me use an example. People who lucid dream or astral travel report that when they tune into the astral level of reality, it’s not much different from the physical world except it’s not as ‘fixed’ as the physical world. It’s more of a vibrational world that looks as if it can be changed any moment. Which means that the potentials of a glass in the astral world has more potentials to be other things.
Just like the emerald tablets used by alchemists used to say “as above, so below.” Also, in lucid dreams people report to get and create anything they could possibly want. So if you want to believe that the astral realm is as real as ours, then it’s safe to conclude that the potentials increase as we go higher up the realms. So programming ourselves for bliss up there, in the realm of thoughts and dreams so we could receive it down here isn’t such a bad idea.
Dreaming is also said to demonstrate the thoughts, memories, and fears. So weather, you believe you are entering a higher realm which is a faster projection of our inner battles or not, our dreams can still tell us a lot about ourselves.
However, I want to give two links to people who buy into this and want to change their inner-self, thought patterns and rewire their minds. These are two softwares. One is solely for text subliminals and the other is for visual ones. They're both free. (I've been using it for months and I've noticed changes, gradually but it's working)
Subliminal advertising was banned ever since slogans of “Drink Coca-Cola” and “Eat popcorn” were flashed throughout a movie too fast for conscious perception. As a result, slaves of popcorn had risen 18.1 percent and coke by 57.7 percent in 1957.
Let’s experiment for ourselves. Let’s see if we see changes in our lives. Let’s try this and comment below after a month or two!
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